A Study on the Activity of the Taeguk Society and Its Physical Educational Thought at the End of the Korean Empire 체육사 : 한말(韓末) 태극(太極)학회(學會)의 활동(活動)과 체육(體育)사상(思想) 연구(硏究)
37(4) 9-19, 1998
A Study on the Activity of the Taeguk Society and Its Physical Educational Thought at the End of the Korean Empire 체육사 : 한말(韓末) 태극(太極)학회(學會)의 활동(活動)과 체육(體育)사상(思想) 연구(硏究)
The Taeguk Society was an academic society founded by centering around the students studying abroad from the northern provinces at Tokyo, Japan in September, 1905, and they installed a training school for the students who newly came abroad to study Japanese language and basic subjects, which the society inaugurated based upon.
First, it was started simply as meetings for mutual friendship, gradually of which purposes became diversified and as they were expanded up to a part of the strenuous efforts movement to enlighten the home country, it stimulated the domestic patriotic enlightenment movement and took charge of its leading role, they tried to form the foundation to restore the national right through educational promotion and industrial developments by publishing a school bulletin with the contents that could by helps to solve various contradictions the students studying abroad and Korean society was facing then. On the other hand, they established a branch of the society, and acted a part of the patriotic enlightenment movement under the cooperation system linked with domestic strenuous efforts movement, particularly took the initiative in development of the public intellect and national enlightenment by developing educational activities actively, and held joint athletic meetings being in constant contact with each local private school.
The accomodation of modem sciences from the west accomplished in a special situation of the era in our country was pressed by the peoples reflection and criticism who had lived peacefully under the influence of feudal Confucian thought, and along with this it could be understood that as the importance of physical education made a subject of discussion among the persons conducting the patriotic enlightenment movement motives were provided to promote the modernization of Korean sports and it lay the foundation to accomplish the solid theories and practical expansion of physical education.
In the bulletion of Taeguk Society, there was a great deal of modern physical educational thought, health education, hygiene, and the policy to promote physical education.
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A Study of the History of Physical Education by Ja-san An 체육사 : 안자산의 체육사 연구
37(4) 20-30, 1998
A Study of the History of Physical Education by Ja-san An 체육사 : 안자산의 체육사 연구
The life of Ja-san An was ill-fated. He was interested in many discipline areas and one of the most learned men of his time. In this article, it was identified that the history of physical education was the foundation and the beginning of his national literature.
A book in the field of the history of physical education was written at the very beginning of the Korean modern physical education. The title of the book was 朝鮮武士英雄傳(the lives of heroic warriors in in the Cho-sun), which is still worth reading in contemporary context and was written by Ja-san An. On the basis of analysis of the book and other writings related to physical education, it is suggested that the book is a valuable book, because the concept of thesis-antithesis-synthesis of civil and military was the foundation of his writings about history, literature, and physical education, which was the basic of his national literature.
His unique cognitions and thoughts provide the new meanings to the modern physical education. As an example, he explored the new principles of development in pursuit of the amalgamation with tradition rather than being captured by foreign ideas. His intersting in the field of physical education centered around ancient history, which gives a scolding for defeatism spreaded in the intellectuals in his time. In addition, physical education and hygiene were included in his writing.
This paper initiated the first step of inquiry into the history of physical education by Ja-san An that is earliest in the history of physical education. As one of the outstanding historian in the field of physical education, he was one of the most potent influences to enlarge the field of the history of physical education.
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A Content Analysis of the Sportmen’s Ethic on Korean Newspapers with respect to Gender , Individual / Team and Professional / Amateur Status from 1920s to 1990s
Kwon Wook-dong
37(4) 33-43, 1998
A Content Analysis of the Sportmen’s Ethic on Korean Newspapers with respect to Gender , Individual / Team and Professional / Amateur Status from 1920s to 1990s
Kwon Wook-dong
The purpose of this study is to examine the development of Korean sportsmen’s ethic on the sport sections of newspapers. For this purpose, sports sections of four (4) Korean daily newspapers were analyzed: The Dong-A, The Choong-Ang, The Chosun and The Hankook, published during the period from 1920s to 1990s. Content analysis and interpretive-comparative approach methods were utilized to investigate the sportsmen’s ethic during the following three (3) eras: 1920-1949, 1950-1979 and 1980-1990 (Adelman, 1981; Berelson, 1952).
Findings indicated that sportsmen’s ethic and journalism were identified in terms of variety and specialization from the perspective of economics and politics in each era.. Sportsmen’s ethic was significantly influenced by following categories in order of importance in male vs. female sport : competitive individualism, teamwork and perseverance. Sportsmen’s ethic was significantly influenced by the following categories, by order of importance, in individual vs. team sport : competitive individualism, teamwork and perseverance category.
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The Metaphysics of Play Reflected Sports 체육철학 : 스포츠에 투영된 놀이의 형이상학
37(4) 44-54, 1998
The Metaphysics of Play Reflected Sports 체육철학 : 스포츠에 투영된 놀이의 형이상학
The purpose of this study was to investigate the play of sports craved through approaching metaphysics of play as a first work for reexamining the nature of sports.
The following conclusions are supported by the finding of this study.
Although the principle of selection for play has been doing self-regulating activity of philosophy, it showed to do the inner parts of various activities which are political, scientific. and cultural activities differed the conditions of philosophical activity in these days.
The system of play as discussed ‘the intention and the extension’ was that the extension of higher step in system become the intention and the intention of higher step in system became the extension of lower step in system.
Finally, in theoretical error of play, it seems to be a decision error, that is, ‘unrestricted active is sports activity’. It seems to need the essence system of rule solving what play is, and how to judge play or how to know play.
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The Meaning that Comernius’ View of Human and Ideas in Health and Physical Training Influences on School Physical Education 체육철학 : Comenius 의 인간관(人間觀)과 보건(保健)ㆍ체육(體育)사상(思想)이 체육교육(體育敎育)에 주는 의미(意味)
조쟁규JaengKyuCho , 백영호YeongHoBaek
37(4) 55-69, 1998
The Meaning that Comernius’ View of Human and Ideas in Health and Physical Training Influences on School Physical Education 체육철학 : Comenius 의 인간관(人間觀)과 보건(保健)ㆍ체육(體育)사상(思想)이 체육교육(體育敎育)에 주는 의미(意味)
조쟁규JaengKyuCho , 백영호YeongHoBaek
This study investigates what influence Comenius’ view of human and Ideas in health and physical training has in school physical education. Comenius’ ideas shows the importance of physical education as the education for the whole man and provides the foundation of thought in education for the whole man.
Comenius’ view of human is that human being is not separated into her/his body and spirit but they are harmonized with each other, that is, the being of one’s whole personality. Comenius emphasizes the importance to take physical exercise, nutrition, and sleep to preserve a sound mind and a sound boby. Like this, he regards human being as a single boby which has an ability to be cognizable, so that it provides a useful clue for the establishment of physical education’s real form.
And the meanings that Comenius’ view of human and Ideas in health and physical training focus on all students keeping a good state of health for others as well as themselves by operating both physical sense and inherited mental ability, and they complete their whole personality, whose deeds correspond with their word, by forming sincere human relationships. And the curriculum of education should be made to come true the purpose and the faith, which community as well as each individual pursues, according to a learner’s interest and demand. In the relationship between students and teachers, sound personal contact is emphasized through teachers active participation, which leads students action, and students voluntary participation.
Physical education is the ground of education for the whole, therefore the subject of physical education should be a human being(a student), and teachers should educate them for the development of their whole personality.
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Thomas Hughes’ Educational Outlook on Sport as is Found in "Tom Brown’s Schooldays" 체육철학 : 토마스 휴즈의 체육(體育) 교육관(敎育觀) : 「톰 브라운의 학창시절」 에 나타난 스포츠의 교육적(敎育的) 의미(意味)
하남길NamGilHa , 조명래MyeongRaeCho
37(4) 70-83, 1998
Thomas Hughes’ Educational Outlook on Sport as is Found in "Tom Brown’s Schooldays" 체육철학 : 토마스 휴즈의 체육(體育) 교육관(敎育觀) : 「톰 브라운의 학창시절」 에 나타난 스포츠의 교육적(敎育的) 의미(意味)
하남길NamGilHa , 조명래MyeongRaeCho
The object of this article is to trace the Thomas Hughes’ educational outlook on sports as is found in his autobiographic novel 『Tom Brown’s Schooldays』. Thomas Hughes was a cricketer, boxer, lawyer, politician, and church reformer. He was a great all-rounder and 『Tom Brown’s Schooldays』 probably had more influence on his contemporaries. Tom Brown’s Schooldays is a pictorial novel of Hughes’ own Rugby school days. So like Tom Brown, he was sent to Rugby School whose headmaster was the eminent educationalist, Dr. Thomas Arnold.
In this novel, Hughes gives vivid descriptions of various kinds of games such as football, cricket. fives, boxing, bare and hound, back-swording, and mud-patties. Hughes describes his hero - Tom Brown - as Christian gentleman, unselfish, modest, frank, honourable and a truly religious young gentleman, even though he tries to conceal it. And also Tom was described as a thoroughly English boy - kind, courageous, vigorous and funny, though no great adept at Greek and Latin, a first rate cricketer, climber and swimmer, fearless and skilful at football, and by no means adverse to a goad stand-up fight in a good cause.
As we know, the robust talisman, Tom Brown, speedily attracted the label, "muscular Christianity" in the English public schools during the second half of the nineteenth century. Thomas Hughes’ educational outlook was based on muscular Christianity. Tom Brown’s Schooldays reveals his educational outlook on sports that manly sports (team games in particular) are highly effective means of inculcating valuable instrumental and expressive goals - physical and moral courage, cooperation, manliness and the ability both to command and obey - the famous ingredients of character training. His ideal of a gentleman was a chivalrous and manly gentleman, and manly sports were believed as effective means of training a chivakous gentleman.
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The Relationship between Adult Education Program Participation and Leisure Satisfaction 스포츠 사회학 : 사회교육 프로그램 참가와 여가만족의 관계
37(4) 87-98, 1998
The Relationship between Adult Education Program Participation and Leisure Satisfaction 스포츠 사회학 : 사회교육 프로그램 참가와 여가만족의 관계
Adult educational experiences are those activities which are voluntarily entered into for satisfaction during leisure time without being negative.
The primary purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between adult education program participation and change of leisure satisfaction.
In order to solve problems of the study, 159 male and female adults who entered adult education program in university for the first time and participated in it during 3 months as a quasi-experimental group, and 220 non-participants as a control group were selected as pre and post test subjects. Using a cluster sampling method the subjects were sampled 2 times in March and June, 1998.
Leisure flow experience was measured by the scales based on Csikszenmihalyi’s(1975), and leisure satisfaction based on Beard and Ragheb’s(1980). Multiple regression analysis, multiple classification analysis, analysis of covariance, and path analysis methods were used in order to test the each hypothesis.
On the basis of the results analysed, the conclusions were drawn as follows;
1. Educational level and income influenced on adult education program participation positively, while age influenced on it negatively.
2. Socio-demographic factors did not influenced on change of leisure flow experience.
3. Socio-demographic factors did not influenced on change of leisure satisfaction.
4. Adult education program participation influenced on change of leisure flow experience positively. There were significant differences in change of leisure flow experience by participation pattern in the order of culture, sports, profession, and hobby education.
5. Adult education program participation influenced on change of leisure satisfaction positively. There were significant differences in change of leisure satisfaction by participation pattern in the order of culture, sports, profession, and hobby education.
6. Adult education program participation influenced on change of leisure satisfaction positively/indirectly through change of leisure flow experience.
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The Relationship between Locus of Control, Perceived Leisure Competence and Subjective Well - Being of Leisure Sport Participants 스포츠 사회학 : 여가스포츠 참가자의 내외적 통제위와 지각된 여가 유능감 및 주관적 안녕감의 관계
고선혜SunHyeKo , 강효민HyoMinKang , 문용YoungMun
37(4) 99-110, 1998
The Relationship between Locus of Control, Perceived Leisure Competence and Subjective Well - Being of Leisure Sport Participants 스포츠 사회학 : 여가스포츠 참가자의 내외적 통제위와 지각된 여가 유능감 및 주관적 안녕감의 관계
고선혜SunHyeKo , 강효민HyoMinKang , 문용YoungMun
The purpose of this paper was to investigation the relationship between locus of control, perceived leisure competence and subjective well-being of leisure sport participants. The subjects of this study were 698 adults who were selected using the systemic stratified cluster random sampling among the participants on sport center or club in Seoul. The data were collected from a self-administrated questionnaire. It was analysed through Pearson Relation Analysis, Standard Multiple Regression and Path Analysis.
Based on the above research methods and procedures, this study produced the following.
First, internal-external locus of control influence on perceived leisure ability. And internal locus of control is the strongest predictor of leisure control as well as social leisure competence among the sub-variance.
Second, internal-external locus of control influence on subjective well-being. And internal locus of control is the strongest predictor of ideology-WB.
Third, perceived leisure ability influence on overall sub-factors of subjective well-being.
Forth, locus of control is directly influence on subjective well-being but indirectly effect was higher than directly effect.
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The Effects on Children's Positive Self - Concepts and Pro - Social Behaviors through Early Childhood Physical Education Program 스포츠 사회학 : 유아체육 프로그램이 긍정적 자아개념과 친 사회적 행동에 미치는 영향
김상국SangKookKim , 이광욱KwangWookLee , 이성진SungJinLee
37(4) 111-119, 1998
The Effects on Children's Positive Self - Concepts and Pro - Social Behaviors through Early Childhood Physical Education Program 스포츠 사회학 : 유아체육 프로그램이 긍정적 자아개념과 친 사회적 행동에 미치는 영향
김상국SangKookKim , 이광욱KwangWookLee , 이성진SungJinLee
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of positive self-concepts and pro-social behaviors on physical activity program for 6-year old children. The subjects were consisted with 60 kindergarten’s children in Inchon area. The summary of this study was as follows:
1. There was a significant relation of the total self-concepts between the physical activity group and non-activity group(P< .05). Thus, the mean of the total self-concepts in the physical activity group was significantly higher than the non-physical activity group.
2. There was a significant relation of the generally satisfactory self-concepts between the physical activity group and the non-physical activity group(P<. 05). It means that the development of satisfactory self-concepts were generally influenced by physical activity programs.
3. There was a significant relation of the same-aged children’s self-concepts between the two children groups(P<. 05). It means that the same-age children’s self-concepts are influenced effectively by physical activity programs. However, there was no statistically significant relation of the children’s self-concepts about their teachers and kindergartens between the children groups(P> .05).
4. There was a significant relation of the children’s self-concepts about their classes between the physical activity group and the non physical activity group(P<. 05). It means that the children’s self-concepts about their classes were influenced by physical activity programs.
5. There was a significant relation of the children’s self-concepts about their physical exercises between the two children groups(P<. 05). It means that the children’s self-concepts about their physical exercises were influenced by physical education programs.
6. There was a significant relation of the children’s pro-social behaviors between the two children groups(P<. 05). It means that the increased pro-social behaviors were influenced by physical education programs.
In conclusion, physical activity program for the children would be helpful to increase their positive self-concepts and pro-social behaviors. Therefore, the regular physical activity program in kindergarten level is necessary for children to increase positive way of thinking for their lives.
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An Analysis of the Preference, Perception and Satisfaction of the Manager for the Coach’ Leadership Style in Secondary School 스포츠 사회학 : 중등학교(中等學校) 코치의 지도(指導)행동(行動)유형(類型)에 대한 학교(學校)경영자(經營者)의 선호도(選好度), 인식도(認識度), 만족도(滿足度) 분석(分析)
37(4) 120-132, 1998
An Analysis of the Preference, Perception and Satisfaction of the Manager for the Coach’ Leadership Style in Secondary School 스포츠 사회학 : 중등학교(中等學校) 코치의 지도(指導)행동(行動)유형(類型)에 대한 학교(學校)경영자(經營者)의 선호도(選好度), 인식도(認識度), 만족도(滿足度) 분석(分析)
The purpose of this study is to analyze of the preference, perception and satisfaction of the manager for the coach’ leadership style in secondary school. The subjects randomly chosen were 100 managers in secondary school whose careers were at least five years.
The questionnaire of LSS Korean version designed for this study is based on Chelladurai and Saleh(1980). Internal consistency estimates ranged from .40 to .77 and the reliability coefficients ranged from .55 to .89. LSS are composed of five factors: training and instruction behavior, democratic behavior, autocratic behavior, social support behavior, and positive feedback Analysis of the data were treated by Peason Correlation, Reliability, Condescriptive, t-test, ANOVA, using the SPSSx program.
The conclusion is made as follows:
The manager of secondary school are satisfied with that coach’s behavior may directly satisfy the interpersonal needs of the athletes or the coach may create a climate in which the members mutually satisfy their interpersonal needs. And they expected three factors, First, it reflects the extent to which the coach permits participation by the athletes in decision making. These decisions may relate to the setting of group goals and/or the ways in which these goals are to be attained. Second, the coach trains and instructs the athletes to help them reach their maximum physical potential. He or she is also expected to instruct them in how to acquire the necessary skills and to teach them the techniques and the tactics of the sports. In addition, in the case of team sports, the coach coordinates the activities of the team members. Third, athletic competitions, in general, are zero-sum games in which victory is attainable by only one of the contestants. An athlete, or team may perform at the maximum potential and yet lose a competition. Further, in team sports, contributions by certain positions may go unnoticed and unrecognized. It is therefore important for the coach to express appreciation and to compliment the athletes for their performance and contribution.
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The Relationship between Life Style and Experience of Leisure as Flow in University Students 스포츠 사회학 : 대학생의 생활양식과 여가몰입경험의 관계
37(4) 133-142, 1998
The Relationship between Life Style and Experience of Leisure as Flow in University Students 스포츠 사회학 : 대학생의 생활양식과 여가몰입경험의 관계
The purpose of this study was to identify the relationship between life style and experience of leisure as flow in university students, specifically, the main purpose of this study was to analyze the difference of life style and experience of leisure as flow according to the gender, joining in the circle, sport participation, and a study for the influence of life style on the experience of leisure as flow. Subjects of this study were 476 male and 463 female for the total of 939 university students in the city of Pusan. The date were collected from a self-administrated questionnaires. A questionnaire contents of life style was composed of 10 items and a questionnaire contents of experience of leisure as flow was composed of 4 items.
The reliability of the Likert Scale was confirmed by testing Cronbach Alpha, the data were analyzed through correlation analysis, ANOVA, and enter multiple regression analysis.
The findings of this study are as follows;
1. Gender, joining in the circle, sport participation was significant difference in life style.
1) Life style by gender was significant difference in fashion, accomplishment, self-confidence, sports, brand enjoy, health control.
2) Life style by joining in the circle was significant difference in sports.
3) Life style by sport participation was significant difference in accomplishment, self-confidence, feeble-minded, nihility, sports, affirmation, brand enjoy, health control.
2. Gender, joining in the circle, sport participation was significant difference in experience of leisure as flow.
1) Experience of leisure as flow by gender was higher male than female in all factor.
2) Experience of leisure as flow by joining in the circle was higher members in the circle on mental concentration, entirely devotion to the leisure activities, lack of perception to concepts of time and space, and was higher non-members in the circle on unification of thinking and behavior.
3) Experience of leisure as flow by sport participation was higher positive sport participant on entirely devotion to the leisure activities, lack of perception to concepts of time and space, and was higher negative sport participant on unification of thinking and behavior, mental concentration.
3. Life style affects on experience of leisure as flow.
1) Self-control self-confidence, sports affects on unification of thinking and behavior.
2) Fashion, accomplishment, feeble-minded, sports, brand enjoy affects on mental concentration, but feeble-minded have negative influence.
3) Fashion, accomplishment, sports affects on entirely devotion to the leisure activities
4) self-confidence, sports affects on lack of perception to concepts of time and space
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The Relationship Dance Role Socialization and the Background of Social Stratum of Major on Dance of College 스포츠 사회학 : 무용전공 여대생의 사회계층적 배경과 무용 역할사회학의 관계
37(4) 143-151, 1998
The Relationship Dance Role Socialization and the Background of Social Stratum of Major on Dance of College 스포츠 사회학 : 무용전공 여대생의 사회계층적 배경과 무용 역할사회학의 관계
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship dance role socialization and the background of social stratum of major on dance of college
Data collected through a questionnaire designed for this study consist of
The inventory was administered to 225 women dancer of college
Statistics employed for data analysis was multiple correlation and multiple regression.
Based upon the results of the study, the following conclusions appear warranted:
1. The background of social stratum of major on dance of college have an negative influence on dance career. That is, the higher subject social stratum, the less dance career.
2. The background of social stratum of major on dance of college have no influence on dance prize.
3. The background of social stratum of major on dance of college have an negative influence on lesson frequency. That is, the higher educational level of mother, the less lesson frequency.
4. The background of social stratum of major on dance of college have an influence on personal training frequency. That is, the higher educational level of mother, the more personal training frequency.
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The Effects of Job Selection on Job Satisfaction of Ski Instructors 스포츠 사회학 : 스키지도자의 직무만족이 직업적 선택에 미치는 영향
심상신SangShinShim , 이승철SeungChulLee
37(4) 152-159, 1998
The Effects of Job Selection on Job Satisfaction of Ski Instructors 스포츠 사회학 : 스키지도자의 직무만족이 직업적 선택에 미치는 영향
심상신SangShinShim , 이승철SeungChulLee
The purpose of this study was to investigate difference the job satisfaction of ski instructors in according to the private personality and the relationship job selection on job satisfaction of ski instructors in ski school.
Subjects were 129 ski instructors who reached in the seven ski school located in the Korea and used cluster random sampling.
The one-way anova and multiple regression was used in order to the difference in the ski instructors’s job satisfaction with private personality and effects job selection on job satisfaction factors of ski instructors’s. The results are as follow.
First, There was significant difference that salary and in pride and worth of their teaching among the job satisfaction in according to teaching career.
Second, There was significant difference that human relationship among the job satisfaction in according to job turnover experiences.
Third, There was significant difference that salary among the job satisfation in according to montly income.
Fourth, Among the factors of the ski instructor’s satisfaction salary, environment of works, human relationship, in pride and worth of their teaching showed affirmative infleunce job satisfaction.
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The Relationship between Leisure Sports Participation and Social Support , Subjective Well - being in Elderly 스포츠 사회학 : 노인의 여가스포츠 참가와 사회적지지 및 주관적 안녕감의 관계
37(4) 160-174, 1998
The Relationship between Leisure Sports Participation and Social Support , Subjective Well - being in Elderly 스포츠 사회학 : 노인의 여가스포츠 참가와 사회적지지 및 주관적 안녕감의 관계
The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between leisure sports participation and social support, subjective well-being in elderly. The subjects of this study was selected by stratified cluster random sampling method from elderly living in Kyung-Ki, In-Choun and Seoul. They were 390 participants and 435 non-participants.
The statistical methods utilized in this study for analyzing the collected data are analysis of covariance, multiple covariance analysis and standard multiple regression analysis.
The results of analyses of the data prompted fourth major conclusions:
First, according to participation or non participation in leisure sports of elderly, the direct social support is partially different between them and non participation group is higher than participation group. On the other hand, participating level of elderly in leisure has a partial influence on social support, it means that participant level has positive influence on social support but participant more frequency has negative influence on social support.
Second, according to participation or non participation in leisure sports of elderly, the negative affect is different in happiness which is sub-factors of subjective well-being. However, the negative affect of non participants is higher than that of participants. And participant frequent is positive influence on satisfaction of life and participant duration has positive influence on negative affect of happiness.
Third, direct social support and indirect social support have positive influence on positive affect of happiness and satisfaction of life. And direct social support has negative influence on negative affect of happiness and indirect social support has positive influence on negative affect of happiness.
Finally, there are causality related to between variables. Participation in leisure sports of elderly has directly influence on social support and negative affect of happiness. And indirect effect through social support has positive influence on satisfaction of life and negative affect of happiness.
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Analysis and Trend of Result of Medal Acquirement over Nation in Fencing Competition 스포츠 사회학 : 펜싱경기(競技)의 국가(國家)별(別) 메달 획득(獲得)결과(結果) 분석(分析) 및 변화(變化) 과정(過程) - 1896년 - 1996년 Olympic , World , Europe Championships 를 중심으로 -
37(4) 175-199, 1998
Analysis and Trend of Result of Medal Acquirement over Nation in Fencing Competition 스포츠 사회학 : 펜싱경기(競技)의 국가(國家)별(別) 메달 획득(獲得)결과(結果) 분석(分析) 및 변화(變化) 과정(過程) - 1896년 - 1996년 Olympic , World , Europe Championships 를 중심으로 -
The purpose of the study was to compare and analyze the result of Medal obtained over each nation. Based upon the result, this study tried to review the changing process and problem of world fencing with previous historical data as well as to provide the desired guide and basic data to obtain the current objectives of Korean fencing. The method of this study was based on Journals, textbooks, daily, newspapers, and so on. The result of the study was as follow:
First of all, nation occupied in top position appeared to be Soviet Russia(106 golds(18.06%), 67 silvers(11.96%), and 59 bronzes(9.50%)), Hungary(102 golds(17.38%), 88 silvers(15.71%), and 81 bronzes(13.04%)), Italy(97 golds(16.53%), 101 silvers(18.04%), and 95 bronzes(15.30%)), France(80 golds(13.68%), 85 silvers(15.18%), and 60 bronzes(9.66%)) form revival period (1896∼1912) to warious changing period (1913∼1990), but Italy(20 golds(3.41%), 14 silvers(2.50%), and 23 bronzes(3.70%)), France(13 golds(2.22%), 13 silvers(2.32%), and 28 bronzes(4.51 %)), East Germany(13 golds(2.22%), 14 silvers(2.50%), and 16 bronzes(2.58%)), Soviet Russia(13 golds(2.22%), 4 silvers(0.71%), and 9 bronzes(1.45%)) during chaos period (1991∼1996). From the result of mefal accomplishment over time period, Soviet Russia has been appeared it be best strong events in men and women’s Fleuret, men’s Epee, and men’s Sabre since changing period (1957∼1978). Italy has been appeared it be best strong events in men and women’s Fleuret and men’s Epee during beginning and end of growth (1913∼1978). Hungary has been appeared it be best strong events in men’s Sabre and women’s Fleuret since beginning of growth period(1913-1935). and men’s Epee since changing period (1957∼1978). Francehas been appeared it be best strong events in men and women’s Fleuret and men’s Epee since changing period (1957∼1978)
Secondly, from the result of Medal acquirement over gender, men appeared to be strong on Italy(92 golds(15.67%), 92 silvers(16.43%), and 85 bronzes(13.68%)), Soviet Russia(85 golds(14.84%), 51 silvers(9.11%), and 51 bronzes(8.21%)), France(84 golds(14.31%), 88 silvers(15.71%), and 72 bronzes(11.59%)), and Hungary(80 golds(13.63%), 62 silvers(11.07%), and 68 bronzes(10.95%)), but wonem waer soviet Russian(34 golds(5.97%), 20 silvers(3.57%), and 17 bronzes(2.74%)), hungary(30 golds(5.11%), 32 silvers(5.71%), and 24 bronzes(3.86%)), Italy(25 golds(4.26%), 23 silvers(4.11%), and 33 bronzes(5.31%)), and East Germany(21 golds(3.58%), 22 silvers(3.93%), and 22 bronzes(3.54%)).
Thirdly, from the result of detailed event over each nation, Fleuret was Italy(68 golds(17.39%), 52 silvers(19.77%), and 64 bronzes(21.62%)), Soviet Russian(65 golds(23.55%), 33 silvers(12.55%), and 28 bronzes(9.46%)), France(40 golds(14.49%), 48 silvers(18.25%), and 53 bronzes(17.91%)), East Germany(33 golds(11.96%), 36 silvers(13.69%), and 35 bronzes(11.82%)). Epee was France(48 golds(20.40%), 40 silvers(25.00%), and 36 bronzes(20.11%)), Italy(32 golds(18.93%), 27 silvers(16.88%), and 26 bronzes(14.53%)). Hungary(21 golds(12.43%), 16 silvers(10.00%), and 19 bronzes(10.61%)), East Germany(18 golds(10.65%), 18 silvers(11.25%), and 7 bronzes(3.19%)), Sabre was Hungary(61 golds(42.92%), 36 silvers(26.28%), and 37 bronzes(27.00%)), Soviet Russian(38 golds(26.76%), 24 silvers(11.52%), and 18 bronzes(12.59%)), Italy(17 golds(11.97%), 36 silvers(26.28%), and 28 bronzes(19.58%)).
Finally, from the result detailed event over gender, men’s Fleuret was Italy(44 golds(30.56%), 31 silvers(22.30%), and 34 bronzes(21.94%)), France(33 golds(22.92%), 40 silvers(28.78%), and 31 bronzes(20.00%)), Soviet Russian(31 golds(21.53%), 13 silvers(9.35%), and 14 bronzes(9.03%)), East Germany(13 golds(9.03%), 17 silvers(12.23%), and 13 bronzes(8.39%)). Men’s Epee was France(46 golds(30.07%), 38 silvers(25.33%), and 33 bronzes(19.51%)), Italy(31 golds(20.26%), 25 silvers(10.67%), and 23 bronzes(14.02%)), East Gemany(17 golds(11.11%), 15 silvers(10.00%), and 7 bron
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A Comparison of Control Patterns of Body Segments as a Function of Skill Level 스포츠 심리학 : 기술수준에 따른 신체분절의 제어형태
김기웅KeeWoongKim , 이옥진OkJinLee
37(4) 203-216, 1998
A Comparison of Control Patterns of Body Segments as a Function of Skill Level 스포츠 심리학 : 기술수준에 따른 신체분절의 제어형태
김기웅KeeWoongKim , 이옥진OkJinLee
The purpose of this study was to test the Bernstein’s(1967) idea that the acquisition of a movement skill is the mastery of redundant degrees of freedom. Differences in control patterns of body segments in three experts and three novices’ bowling throwing movements were compared using high-speed camera and motion analyzer. Ranges of angular changes, mean absolute accumulative angular changes, and standard deviations around the mean of angular changes were computed for use to identify control patterns of individual degrees of freedom. Cross-correlations among angular changes of shoulder, elbow, and wrist joint were computed for use to identify relationships between multiple degrees of freedom. Analyses of data revealed that 1) release of individual degrees of freedom were significantly stronger as skill level increases. 2) as a result of comparing of individual degrees of freedom as a function of four movement phases, release of individual agrees of freedom in shoulder and elbow joint were significantly stronger for the skilled bowlers as compared to the unskilled bowlers at the first and fourth movement phases. However, freezing of individual degrees of freedom in elbow joint were significantly stronger for the skilled bowlers as compared to the unskilled bowlers at the second movement phase. In total, these results were interpreted to support Bernstein’s idea regarding the mastery of redundant degrees of freedom in the acquisition of a movement skill and to suggest that skilled performer is a person who can efficiently select and regulate freezing as well as releasing of degrees of freedom so as to meet task requirements in controllability and flexibility trade-off.
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Addiction to Recreational Bowling Activity and Psychological Well - being 스포츠 심리학 : 볼링중독성향과 심리적 행복감
37(4) 217-222, 1998
Addiction to Recreational Bowling Activity and Psychological Well - being 스포츠 심리학 : 볼링중독성향과 심리적 행복감
The purpose of this study was to determine whether significant relationships exist between addiction to bowling exercise and psychological well-being, and to determine whether differences on addiction to bowling were significantly related to gender, age, occupation, degree of bowling participation, perceived importance of bowling and perceived skill levels.
The subjects comprised 510 adults who involved in recreational bowling activity. Negative addiction scale, cognitive-affective states scale for bowling activity and background questions were administered to all participants individually.
Results reveled that there were nonsignificant difference on gender, but the higher the age, the higher the addiction to bowling. Blue color workers had significantly higher scores than did white color workers. The higher involvement frequency and perceived importance and skill level, the higher the addiction to bowling. A significant association existed between addiction to bowling activity and psychological well-being.
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The Movement Disorder and Control System in Patients with Parkinson’s Disease 스포츠 심리학 : Parkinson’ 증후군 환자의 동작장애와 제어시스템
37(4) 223-240, 1998
The Movement Disorder and Control System in Patients with Parkinson’s Disease 스포츠 심리학 : Parkinson’ 증후군 환자의 동작장애와 제어시스템
This study investigated irregularity of force production and bradkinesia as a basis of control system in patients with Parkinson’s disease.
Ten adults, 5 patients with Parkinson’s disease and normal adults participated in this study.
The experiment-1 analyzed bradkinesia of patient with Parkinson’s disease as a function of arm movement characteristics in aspects of time and spatial control.
The apparatus was horizontal angular displacement manipulanda, and the subjects’ task was to move a fixed starting position toward one of three target position. The data collected for the variability of MT and spatial variability and variability of Time-to-peak angular velocity and acceleration were each submitted to an independent ANOVA.
The significant main effects of group were found for the variability of MT and spatial variability. That is, the patient with Parkinson’s disease demonstrated higher the variability of MT, spatial variability, variability of time-to-peak angular velocity and acceleration than did control group. The spatial variability were different as a function of movement complexity, and the block effects was significant.
The experiment-2 examined force production irregularity of patient with Parkinson’s disease in aspects of force control.
The apparatus was force transducer and pathway MR-25 dual channel surface EMG system : The prometheus Group(1995), and the task required was to isometric contractions of the elbow flexors using force levels of 25%, 50% and 75% of their maximum. The data were variability of farce production and patterns of EMG activation in agonist and antagonist muscles.
The patient with Parkinson’s disease showed that increased force production was associated with increase in variability, which was similar to thats of control subjects, there were decrease in force variability as a function of practice in all two groups. The significant main effects of group were not found for force variability. The EMG data obtained revealed that Patient with Parkinson’s disease not modulated the mount of EMG activity, showed multiple bursts of EMG.
In conclusion, bradkinesia of patient with Parkinson’s disease due to difficulty in maintaining motor set and executing submovement sequences, and force production irregularity may be the result of the inability to recruit and regulate motor unit activity.
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Effects of Expertise on Random Practice
Yong Jin Yoon
37(4) 241-248, 1998
Effects of Expertise on Random Practice
Yong Jin Yoon
The benefit of RA in retention and transfer has been supported by a number of empirical studies. Even though the subject’s characteristics were ignored in the contextual interference studies, the present study includes the expertise of subjects as one of the independent variables. Eighty female subjects were grouped by their prior experience and dependent variables were Absolute error (AE), variable error (VE), and absolute constant error (|CE|). Acquisition was analyzed in a 2 (practice group) × 2 (experience level) × 3 (trial block) analysis of variance (ANOVA) design with repeated measures on the last factor. Retention and transfer were analyzed in a 2 (practice group) × 2 (experience level) × 2 (retention interval) ANOVA design with repeated measures on the last factor.
The results indicated that an interaction between the practice group and experience level in retention. Experienced subjects who practiced tasks in RA performed more consistently than those who practiced tasks in BL but no differences were found for novice subjects. It means that the benefit of RA was found only for experienced subjects’ memory, but not for novices. These results have explained using the level of processing framework and real-world experience effects. It seems that experience in real-world events is an important factor for consideration in both designing studies and in understanding memory phenomenon when conducting a motor learning research as suggested by Abernethy (1990; 1993), Abernethy, Burgess-Limerick, & Park (1994), and Yoon (1995).
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The Effect of Knowledge of Results in Reduced Relative Frequency with Golf Putting Task on Motor Skill Learning 스포츠 심리학 : 골프 퍼팅과제 수행시 결과지식의 상대빈도 감소가 기술습득에 미치는 영향
37(4) 249-256, 1998
The Effect of Knowledge of Results in Reduced Relative Frequency with Golf Putting Task on Motor Skill Learning 스포츠 심리학 : 골프 퍼팅과제 수행시 결과지식의 상대빈도 감소가 기술습득에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of knowledge of results in reduced relative frequency with golf putting task on motor skill learning. Thirty subjects were tested with seventy trials of golf putting task. The relative frequency of knowledge of resut was maniulated with groups of 100%, 50% and 10% of KRs.
The subjects of each group were given verbal error information.
The experiment was designed in a 3 × 7(relative frequency of KR condition × block) factorial design with repeated measures on block, with each block consisting of 10 trials, that is, a total of 70 trials.
The results showed that learning effect on learning was more significant in the 50% relative frequency of KR than the 100% relative frequency of KR or the 10% relative frequency. These results were interpreted to lend partial support to the guidance hypothesis.
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Effects of Spatial Accuracy Demands on Visual Processing Time 스포츠 심리학 : 공간적 정확성 요구가 시각적 정보처리 시간에 미치는 영향
이순천SoonCheonLee , 박상범SangBumPark
37(4) 257-274, 1998
Effects of Spatial Accuracy Demands on Visual Processing Time 스포츠 심리학 : 공간적 정확성 요구가 시각적 정보처리 시간에 미치는 영향
이순천SoonCheonLee , 박상범SangBumPark
The purpose of this study was to estimate the base-line visual processing time and to investigate effects of spatial accuracy demands on visual processing time and motor programming process by examining muscle activation patterns that emerged during elbow extension and flexion movements with diverse spatial accuracy demands. Twenty subjects performed rapid elbow extension movements in two task situations characterized by the spatial accuracy demands, and were instructed to change the direction of elbow movement from extension to flexion when visual stimulus of various sizes was presented after movement initiation. For each movement, electrical activities of triceps and biceps were measured, from which several EMG variables were calculated. Results of two-way ANOVAs on individual EMG variables showed that visual stimulus presented after the initiation of elbow extension movement could be processed rapidly and the use of processed visual information was dependent upon spatial accuracy demands imposed by the visual stimulus. Biceps latency as a response to visual stimulus was shown to be more delayed in the accuracy condition(105-120ms) than the reversal condition(96-99ms), implying that the spatial accuracy demands imposed on a task affect the duration from the detection of visual information to the execution of motor commands programmed on the basis of processed information. Effects of spatial accuracy demands on the motor programming process were also found in the intensity of muscle activities measured at various points of response. Mean amplitude of biceps activities from the stimulus onset to the point when the elbow reached its maximal angle was larger in the reversal condition than in the accuracy condition, and in both situations this amplitude was larger when visual stimulus was presented compared to no-vision condition. These results suggest that the intensity of biceps activities starts to increase before the elbow reaches its maximal angle, and the amount of increase in the intensity is larger when the visual stimulus does not impose spatial accuracy demands. The intensities of biceps and triceps activities measured from the point when the elbow reached its maximal angle to the point when it returned to 45。 were also shown to be higher in the reversal condition, providing support for the effect of spatial accuracy demands on the programming of muscle activation intensity. Thus, results of this study suggest that spatial accuracy demands imposed by visual stimulus affect the programming of muscle activation intensity as well as visual processing time, and an increase in spatial accuracy demands not only delays the time required to process visual information but also decreases the intensity of programmed muscle activation by reducing the range of error allowed for the programming of motor commands.
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The Relationships between Sport Participation Motivation and Arousal Seeking of Participants in Leisure Sport and Exercise 스포츠 심리학 : 여가운동 참가자의 스포츠 참여동기와 각성추구의 관계
정용각YongGakJung , 정용승YongSeungJung
37(4) 275-287, 1998
The Relationships between Sport Participation Motivation and Arousal Seeking of Participants in Leisure Sport and Exercise 스포츠 심리학 : 여가운동 참가자의 스포츠 참여동기와 각성추구의 관계
정용각YongGakJung , 정용승YongSeungJung
The purpose this study was to investigate relationship between sport participation motivation and arousal seeking in leisure sport and exercise participants. The subjects totalled 442 persons(321-male, 121-female) who participating in leisure sport and exercise(swimming, baseball, tennis, paragliding, health(fitness), the age of subjects ranged from 18 to 49, this study was used the ‘Questionnaire the Sport Participation Motivation and Arousal Seeking’ developed by Jung(1997). An analysis was used exploratory factor analysis, Cronbach’s α, t-test, multiple regression. An IBM personal computer with SAS version 6.12 was used for the calculations. A significant level of p < .05 was used for all the statistical test.
the results of this study are as follows:
High arousal seekers showed higher motivation for participating in all sorts of leisure sport or exercise than low arousal seekers. High thrill seekers showed highest in the t-score of external displays factor than low thrill seekers, high novelty seekers showed highest in the t-score of achievement and skill development factors than low novelty seekers.
Novelty seeking factors showed highest correlation to the skill development and achievement factors in intrinsic motivation, thrill seeking factors showed highest correlation to the external displays in extrinsic motivation.
The interest in novelty seeking as an arousal seeking factors is closely related to the skill development, achievement, enjoyment, affiliation, conditioning, and external displays factors on the participating in leisure sport and exercise. Thrill seeking factors were significantly related to the external displays in extrinsic motivation.
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Multiple Parameterization of Similar Task and Contextual Interference 스포츠 심리학 : 다수의 매개변인을 설정해야 하는 유사 과제 학습이 맥락간섭 효과에 미치는 영향
37(4) 288-295, 1998
Multiple Parameterization of Similar Task and Contextual Interference 스포츠 심리학 : 다수의 매개변인을 설정해야 하는 유사 과제 학습이 맥락간섭 효과에 미치는 영향
The purpose of the study was to determine if the superiority during retention of practicing multiple tasks using a random versus a blocked practice schedule was dependent on task similarity and number of parameter dimensions. Three similar tasks were designed so that their execution required the same general motor program, but different paramerization. Similar tasks shared the same spatial configuration of a three-segment pattern which shared the same relative timing, but not size or overall duration. Participants (12 male, 12 female) were randomly assigned to one of two task groups (a spatial-temporal varied similar task, temporally varied task). Each task group was further subdivided into two practice schedule groups (random, blocked). For those RA participants who practiced a spatial-temporal varied similar tasks showed higher performance on day 2 retention test and displayed permanent contextual interference effect (CI), whereas, RA participants who practiced a temporally varied similar tasks performed more stable on day 1 retention test, however, the CI effect has disappeared on day 2 retention test. This study showed that the emergence of the CI in retention is dependent on an optimal level of interference.
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Anticipation Ability and Visual Cue Difference of Tennis Players 스포츠 심리학 : 테니스 선수의 숙련성 차이에 따른 예측능력과 시각단서에 관한 연구
37(4) 296-304, 1998
Anticipation Ability and Visual Cue Difference of Tennis Players 스포츠 심리학 : 테니스 선수의 숙련성 차이에 따른 예측능력과 시각단서에 관한 연구
This study attempted to analyze predictable ability of serves and passing shot directions among different caliber skill tennis players. In addition, to investigate the visual cue usage among players.
Total of 51 players(12 university experts, 12 middle and high school experts, 12 high school experts, and 15 university novices) were invited to participate in this study. Tennis serves(n=12) and passing shots(n=24) were presented by slide with tachistoscope to the subject. And then, subjects were asked to predict the kind of tennis serve and direction of passing shot.
According to results of this study, in terms of accurate prediction, university experts showed a higher level of anticipation ability compared to middle and high school experts and university novices.
In case of university experts, they. used visual cues which utilize a predictable information about prior to impact.
To the contrary, in case of university novices, they used visual cues from impact point to follow-through.
Overall, visual training was needed to develope useful capacities of advance visual cues in all racket-using sport including tennis.
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Relationship between Buffering Capacity of Acidosis and Inhibitory Capacity of Exercise - induced Fatigue 스포츠 심리학 : 체내 산성화 완충능력과 운동피로 억제능력의 관련성
37(4) 307-320, 1998
Relationship between Buffering Capacity of Acidosis and Inhibitory Capacity of Exercise - induced Fatigue 스포츠 심리학 : 체내 산성화 완충능력과 운동피로 억제능력의 관련성
This study made a comparison the cardiorespiratory function, lactacid anaerobic performance, and the relative buffering capacity between road and velodrome male cyclists. And, it was analyzed the relationship between the change of blood lactate and ammonia concentration during I hour submaximal cycling and the relative buffering capacity. The cardiorespiratory function of road cyclists was superior to velodrome cyclists, but the lactacid anaerobic performance was no significant differences between two groups. The relative buffering capacity of velodrome cyclists(18.35±2.56%) showed a significant higher(P<0.05) than road cyclists(12.55±3.45%). Peak value and increasing rate of blood lactate concentration in velodrome cyclists showed a significant higher(P<0.05) than road cyclists during 1 hour submaximal cycling. But the change of blood ammonia concentration during submaximal cycling was no significant differences between two groups. Maximal oxygen uptake was significantly(P<0.05) correlated to the lactate threshold in graded cycling. It was a significant(P<0.05) correlation coefficients among the relative buffering capacity, respiratory compensation threshold, mean power output of 90s supramaximal cycling, and the increasing rate of blood lactate during 1 hour submaximal cycling.
In this results, it could be suggested that velodrome cyclists showed the superiority of relative buffering capacity to road cyclists. And the significant relationship showed between the relative buffering capacity and the blood lactate tolerance during 1 hour submaximal cycling. But it could not be suggested the relationship between the relative buffering capacity and inhibitory and recovery capacity to exercise-induced fatigue doting continuous submaximal cycling, and the clear cut relationship of relative buffering capacity with the changes of blood ammonia concentraion during I how submaximal cycling.
The Effect of Creatine Supplementation on the Anaerobic Power and the Fatigue during Intermittent High - Intensity Exercise 스포츠 심리학 : Creatine 투여가 단시간 고강도 운동시 무산소성 파워 및 피로에 미치는 영향
김병로ByungRohKim , 조용권YongKwonCho , 이동규DongKyuLee
37(4) 321-331, 1998
The Effect of Creatine Supplementation on the Anaerobic Power and the Fatigue during Intermittent High - Intensity Exercise 스포츠 심리학 : Creatine 투여가 단시간 고강도 운동시 무산소성 파워 및 피로에 미치는 영향
김병로ByungRohKim , 조용권YongKwonCho , 이동규DongKyuLee
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of creatine supplementation on the anaerobic power and the fatigue during intermittent high-intensity exercise. The subjects were 17 university students. Among them, 10 students belonged to experimental group (creatine supplementation) and 7 to placebo group (glucose supplementation). Data for each factor were obtained using confidence level, mean value and standard deviation, Repeated 2 way-ANOVA was carried out to test the difference of the mean value between groups, and special analysis was done when there was interaction. In creatine group, there was significant increase in the power of the 1set, 2set, 3set, and total, but no significant difference between groups, after creatine supplementation. The concentration of the blood ammonia, hypoxanthine and lactic acid significantly increased after creatine supplementation for 5 days increased the anaerobic power during high-intensity exercise for short time. On the other hand, further experiments are required to determine the precise mechanism for the change of blood fatigue factors.
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Effects of Endurance Exercise on the Aortic Endothelium and on the Reduction of Blood Pressure In Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats 스포츠 심리학 : 지구성운동 강도별 자연발생고혈압 쥐의 혈압과 대동맥 두께 변화에 미치는 영향
37(4) 332-338, 1998
Effects of Endurance Exercise on the Aortic Endothelium and on the Reduction of Blood Pressure In Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats 스포츠 심리학 : 지구성운동 강도별 자연발생고혈압 쥐의 혈압과 대동맥 두께 변화에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study were to examine the effects of endurance exercise, done at three different levels of difficulty, on changes in blood pressure of spontaneously hypertensive rats and on the thickness of an aortic endothelium. The subjects, which were made to walk and run on a treadmill for 8 weeks, were divided into three groups: a 10m/min group, a 15m/min group, and a 20m/min group. The results were as follows:
(1) There was a decrease in the blood pressure of spontaneously hypertensive rats that was due to the endurance exercise, but not to the level measured in the normal rats after they were also subjected to the exercises.
(2) There was a reduction in the thickness of abnormally enlarged aortic endotheliwns that was due to the endurance exercises, but not to the level measured in normal rats after they were also subjected to the exercises.
(3) There was a significant difference in blood pressure between the 10m/min test group and the 15m/min test group, but no significant difference in blood pressure between the 15m/min test group and the 20m/min test group.
(4) There were significant differences in the thickness of the aortic endotheliums among all three test groups.
(5) There was a significant correlation between changes in blood pressure and changes in the thickness of aortic endothelium that were due to the endurance exercises.
Therefore, this study concluded that eight weeks of endurance exercise resulted in a decrease in the blood pressure of spontaneously hypertensive rats, and in the reduction of the thickness of the aortic endothelium.
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A Study on Serum Enzyme and Isoenzyme Activity during Maximal Anaerobic Power Exercise by Taekwondo Athletes 스포츠 심리학 : 태권도 선수의 최대무산소파원 운동시 혈청효소 및 동위효소의 활성도 변화
김재철JaeCheolKim , 이상종SangJongLee
37(4) 339-347, 1998
A Study on Serum Enzyme and Isoenzyme Activity during Maximal Anaerobic Power Exercise by Taekwondo Athletes 스포츠 심리학 : 태권도 선수의 최대무산소파원 운동시 혈청효소 및 동위효소의 활성도 변화
김재철JaeCheolKim , 이상종SangJongLee
The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect on maximal anaerobic power exercise serum enzyme & isoenzyme activity. Twelve high school students were divided into three groups ; six Taekwondo players, and six non-players. The subjects were tested on maximal anaerobic power with the wingate using bicycle ergometer. Subjects’ blood samples were collected before exercise, immediately after exercise and at the two recovery phases(5min & 10min) in order to analyze plasma enzyme & isoenzyme.
An increase in total LDH, H-type(LDH1+2), CPK and CPK-MM were founded rather the cotrol group than the teakwondo group at the rest. wherese a rapidly decrease was found in the teakwondo group in the recovery phases. Between the two groups, there is a significantly difference in immideatly after exercise(P<0.01). In M-type(LDH3+4+5) activity, an increase was founded rather the teakwondo group than the cotrol group at the rest. Between the two groups, there is a significantly difference in all phases(P<0.01)
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Analyses of Body Composition and Physical Fitness Characteristics in Three Types of Dancers 스포츠 심리학 : 전공별 무용수의 신체구성 및 체력특성분석
김재호JaeHoKim , 차광석KwangSukCha
37(4) 348-359, 1998
Analyses of Body Composition and Physical Fitness Characteristics in Three Types of Dancers 스포츠 심리학 : 전공별 무용수의 신체구성 및 체력특성분석
김재호JaeHoKim , 차광석KwangSukCha
The purpose of this study was to examine the physical characteristics and the fitness level in three types of dancers. Subjects were consisted of 25 females (24.1±2.4 yrs) with 10±3.4 years of experience in dancing. They were assigned to three groups: nine ballet dancers, eight modern dancers, and eight Korean traditional dancers, as group I, II, III, respectively. All subjects underwent a physical exam, physical fitness tests, and isokinetic muscular function tests. The results were summarized as follows:
Height, weight, and the waist-to-hip ratio were not significantly different among three groups. But, the group I had a lower skinfolds thickness in triceps, thigh, and iliac crest, % body fat, and body mass index than the group III. And these measurements were significantly(p<.01) different between the group I and II.
The cardiopulmonary function, the back strength, the hand grip strength, the upper limb’s muscular endurance, the agility, the balance, and the power were not significantly different among three groups. In contrast, the group I and II had a higher flexibility than the group III, and the group II had a higher abdominal muscular endurance than the group I and III. Also the group II had a higher muscular strength and a endurance for leg extension than the group III. And these measurements were significantly(p<.05) different between the group II and III as well as between the group I and II. On the other hand, the muscular strength and the endurance for leg flexion were not significantly different among three groups.
In conclusion, ballet dancers had a lower skinfolds thickness and % body fat, and these results were significantly different between the ballet dancers group and the Korean traditional dancers group. And three types of dancers had a similar physical fitness level.
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Altitude Training on Aerobic and Anaerobic Capacities in Korean Junior Alpine Skiers
Kim Chang-keun , Kim Jin-hae , Jung Yong-soo
37(4) 360-368, 1998
Altitude Training on Aerobic and Anaerobic Capacities in Korean Junior Alpine Skiers
Kim Chang-keun , Kim Jin-hae , Jung Yong-soo
Six Korean junior alpine skiers were paticipated in the present study. To evaluate the aerobic and anaerobic capacities, Harvard step test and Wingate anaerobic power test were performed, and determined blood lactate, lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), and heart rate befre and after altitude training. A major finding in the present study was tha no alteration occurred in mean power putput (MPO) and peak power output (PPO) after altitude training. LDH tended to increase after altitude traiing, whereas blood lactate was slightly decreased. Significant difference exised in heart rate between on the day of arrival at altitude and the end of altitude training. The present study suggest a short period of sojourn at mild altitude may not improve anaerobic capacity effectively in juniorskiers. A decreased LBM, thigh girth after altitude training and ski skil-oriented training program may partially explain the unchanged anaerobic capacity.
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The Effect of Endurance Training on Reduction of Alcohol Concentration in Blood 스포츠 심리학 : 알콜섭취 후 지구성 운동 강도에 따른 혈중알콜농도 감소 효과
37(4) 369-379, 1998
The Effect of Endurance Training on Reduction of Alcohol Concentration in Blood 스포츠 심리학 : 알콜섭취 후 지구성 운동 강도에 따른 혈중알콜농도 감소 효과
In this study, to observe the changes of alcohol concentration in blood after endurance exercise 40 male colleges were divied into 10 members of controlled group and 30 members of three comparative groups.
To measure the alcohol concentration in blood, the treadmill exercise 40%, 50%, 60% of HRmax were performed at the speed of 6mph(mile/hour) for 30 minutes just after drinking alcohol.
The HR, VO₂, VCO₂ and BP were measured the before, for, after treadmill exercise.
1. After performing endurance exercise at the each level of 30 minutes, it was decreased of alcohol concentration in blood and found was decreasing the more high of exercise intensity. After drinking alcohol, the change of physiological characteristics was increased at the level of 60% HRmax.
2. At the level of 0.1% alcohol concentration in blood, it is possible to take endurance exercise at the level of 60% HRmax for about 30 minutes. Therfore, after drinking alcohol, moderated physical activity has effect at decreasing of alcohol concentration in blood.
3. After drinking alcohol, alcohol concentration of blood during 8 times was decreased at the level of 0.1% to 0% on the less level of 60%HR. But no exercise group was found the less of decreas ratio from 0.1% to 0.058%.
4. After drinking alcohol, physiological characteristics was decreased significantly in BP and HR.
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The Effect of Antioxidant Vitamins Supplementation on Exercise - Induced Acute Phase Response of T Lymphocyte and Natural Killer Cell 스포츠 심리학 : 항산화비타민의 복합섭취가 T 림프구 및 NK 세포의 급성운동반응에 미치는 영향
The Effect of Antioxidant Vitamins Supplementation on Exercise - Induced Acute Phase Response of T Lymphocyte and Natural Killer Cell 스포츠 심리학 : 항산화비타민의 복합섭취가 T 림프구 및 NK 세포의 급성운동반응에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of antioxidant-vitamins supplementation on exercise-induced acute phase response of T lymphocyte and natural killer cell(NK cell).
Eight healthy graduate students(M, 27.9±2.2 yr) were participated in exercise sessions before and after S week of antioxidant-vitamin complex supplementation(VE-800 IU/d; VC-1000 ㎎/d). The exercise sessions included treadmill running at 110% AT level(high-intensity) until each subject reached to target exercise volume(301.3±20.5 ㎉). Venous blood samples were drown from the forearm antecubital vein at rest, immediately after exercise, and 30min/90min recovery(15㎖ each). The blood samples were stored at -4℃ and carried to laboratory immediately for analysis. In this study, mitogen(PHA/ConA)-stimulated T lymphocyte proliferation response and NK cell cytotoxic activity(NKCA) against target cell(K562) were determined to evaluate the T lymphocyte function and NK cell activity. Using anti-CD3/anti-CD16+anti-CD56 monoclonal antibody, T lymphocytes(CD3-positive) and NK cells (CD3-negative/CD16+CD56-positive) were enumerated with flowcytometery. Combined these data with peripheral lymphocyte count, all results were calculated at per-cell basis.
The results of this study can be summarized as follows:
1) After treatment, the T lymphocyte showed higher activities than control group among the test. Also the data indicated that decreasing rate was relatively lower in conditioned group immediately after exercise, and the activity was restored faster than control group during recovery periods.
2) In ConA-stimulated T lymphocyte proliferation response, there was significant higher level in conditioning group than control group. In addition, that time antioxidant treatment seemed to protect T lymphocyte from acute phase response.
3) There were significant differences between before and after treatments in NKCA at immediately after exercise and recovery 90m.
4) After treatment, there were significant lower levels of MDA than control group.
In conclusion, this study demonstrated that exercise-induced oxidative stress may affect on acute phase response of T lymphocyte and NK cell. Antioxidant-vitamins supplementation seems to protect immune cells from acute phase immunosuppressive response, especially on T lymphocyte proliferation response and NK cell activity, presumably induced by reactive oxygen species from high-intensity exercise. Therefore, pre-existed antioxidant-vitamins as long as 5-wk treatment may, in part, protect immune system from various oxidative stress produced by strenuous exercise.
The Effects of Training on Mobilization of Energy Substrate and Blood Fatigue Elements Changes in Fin Swimmers 스포츠 심리학 : 훈련이 휜 수영시 에너지 기질의 동원 비율과 혈중 피로 요소들의 변화에 미치는 영향
37(4) 390-403, 1998
The Effects of Training on Mobilization of Energy Substrate and Blood Fatigue Elements Changes in Fin Swimmers 스포츠 심리학 : 훈련이 휜 수영시 에너지 기질의 동원 비율과 혈중 피로 요소들의 변화에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of 8 weeks of training on the mobilization of energy substrate(blood glucose, FFA, pyruvate, lipase) and blood fatigue elements changes(lactate, ammonia, inorganic phosphate, pH) in fin swimmers, in order to provide basic information for making training programs. The subjects of present study were fin swimmers of the Korean national team(n=8). All subjects participated in 8 weeks training program which consisted of weight training, cross country, fin swimming and finless swimming, and Harvard step test training. The subject participated in a 1500m fin swimming test before and after the training program.
After 8 weeks of training, the mean fin swimming performance time was improved by 3.38 seconds. Blood lactate level of post training value difference between pre and post-training(p>.05). In blood ammonia, 750m and 1500m after training ammonia values were lower than that of pre training values. Also, there was a significant blood ammonia level difference between pre and after training at these points. Post training blood pH were higher than that of pre, but there was no statistical significance at alt measurement points(p>.05). Blood glucose and FFA levels of post training were lower than that of pre training, and there was no significant difference between pre and post training blood glucose and FFA levels(p>.05). In the pre test, blood pyruvate levels were continuing to increase during the exercise. But in the post test, blood pyruvate levels were increased up to 750M, and then decreased steadly until the end of the exercise. Therefore, there was a significant pyruvate level difference at the 750M and 1500M of pre and post test(p<.05). Lipase activity was continuing to increase during the pre and post test exercise. But post test lipase activity was lower than that of pre test. However, there was no significant lipase activity difference between pre and post test(p>.05).
Therefore, when we explain the energy substrate changes followed by training, we have to carefully consider the whole characteristics that reflect the changes of requirements of specific sports event. In this study, energy substrates and blood fatigue elements changes showed well reflection of eight weeks training effects and characteristics of fin swimming event.
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Effects of Treadmill Training and Clenbuterol Treatment on Body Fat Accumulation and Muscle Enzyme Activities of Rats 스포츠 심리학 : 트레드밀 운동과 Clenbuterol 투여가 쥐의 체지방 축적과 근효소의 활성에 미치는 영향
이민형MinHyungLee , 이수천SooChunLee , 강호율HoYoulKang
37(4) 404-414, 1998
Effects of Treadmill Training and Clenbuterol Treatment on Body Fat Accumulation and Muscle Enzyme Activities of Rats 스포츠 심리학 : 트레드밀 운동과 Clenbuterol 투여가 쥐의 체지방 축적과 근효소의 활성에 미치는 영향
이민형MinHyungLee , 이수천SooChunLee , 강호율HoYoulKang
The effects of exercise training, chronic administration of clenbuterol (β2-adrenergic agonist), and the combination of these two treatments on body fat content and muscle enzyme activities were investigated. Forty male Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly assigned to one of four treatment groups: sedentary control (CON, clenbuterol (CL), exercise trained (TR), or exercise trained/clenbuterol (TR+CL). The training protocol consisted of running on a motor-driven treadmill up an 8% grade, 5 days/wk for 8 weeks. Rats receiving clenbuterol were intubated with 0.8 mg/kg body wt/day dissolved in deionized water. Exercise training and clenbuterol administration significantly not only reduced the body fat content as evidenced by the decreasing retroperitoneal fat weight, but also increased the skeletal muscle mass without the changes of growth rate. The combined effect of these two treatments in increasing the muscle mass was additive, but in reducing the fat content, it was not additive. Chronic clenbuterol treatment significantly reduced the hexokinase and citrate synthase activities in skeletal muscle. These decreased enzyme activities significantly reduced endurance performance. Thus, the results of the current study indicate that the effects of clenbuterol treatment are the same as the effects of exercise training in body composition, but each of the clenbuterol treatment and exercise training inversely affects the changes in skeletal muscle enzyme activities of normal rats.
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The Effects of Resistance Exercise Intensity on Excess Post - Exercise Oxygen Consumption 스포츠 심리학 : 웨이트 트레이닝의 운동강도가 운동후 초과 산소소비량에 미치는 영향
이용수YoungSooLee , 하민수MinSooHa
37(4) 415-422, 1998
The Effects of Resistance Exercise Intensity on Excess Post - Exercise Oxygen Consumption 스포츠 심리학 : 웨이트 트레이닝의 운동강도가 운동후 초과 산소소비량에 미치는 영향
이용수YoungSooLee , 하민수MinSooHa
The purpose of this study was to compared the magnitude of excess post-exercise oxygen consumption(EPOC) following two different intensities of the resistance exercise. The subjects of this study were consisted of ten healthy active male college students(19.7±0.8 years) majoring physical education. Ten active male subjects were measured for the respiratory gas-exchange parameters and heart rate for a 50 min period following the resistance exercises, resistance exercise using 50% of one repetition maximum(low intensity condition), and resistance exercise using 80% 1-RM(high intensity condition). In the high intensity, the subjects performed 10 repetitions with 80% of their predetermined 1-RM. In the low intensity they performed 15 repetitions with 50% of their 1-RM. Thus the external work completed in the two intensity was identical. EPOC was calculated by the difference between the oxygen uptake during the post-exercise period and the oxygen uptake during the rest. EPOCs following resistance exercise were 96.29 ㎖/kg/min, 102.55 ㎖/kg/min with low and high intensity, respectively. The calories consumed during recovery stage were 29.76 kcal, 31.4 kcal with low and high intensity, respectively. These were no significant differences between EPOCs or calories following the high versus low intensity exercise(p>0.05). These results may due to the same amount of total work of 2 resistance exercises. The results suggest that EPOC following resistance exercise appear to make a small contribution to the total energy expenditure.
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Comparison of the Direct and Axon - Reflex Mediated Sweatings in Warm and Normothermic Skin during Acetylcholine and VIP Iontophoresis
Lee Jeong-beom , Lee Suk-in
37(4) 423-432, 1998
Comparison of the Direct and Axon - Reflex Mediated Sweatings in Warm and Normothermic Skin during Acetylcholine and VIP Iontophoresis
Lee Jeong-beom , Lee Suk-in
The sudorific effects of acetylcholine (ACh) and vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP) on ACh-induced sweating in normothermic and warm human skin were investigated. Sweat onset time (SOT) during ACh and ACh+VIP iontophoresis in warm skin (WSK) were 0.38 and 0.42 min earlier, respectively, compared to normothermic skin (NSK). ACh+VIP iontophoresed together reduced the SOT by 0.2 min in NSK and 0.27 min in WSK compared to ACh alone. Iontophoresis of ACh alone, induced axon-reflex mediated (AXR) and direct (DIR) sweatings; with AXR and DIR sweat volumes being 32% and 20% higher in WSK compared to NSK. Coiontophoresis of ACh and VIP led to 28% and 16% increase in AXR and DIR sweat responses in WSK, and potentiated the ACh-induced AXR and DIR sweating responses by 50% and 20% respectively. VIP iontophoresis in NSK induced no AXR, but mild DIR sweating. VIP iontophoresis in WSK resulted in an exaggerated (126% increase) DIR sweating response. There was a 3 fold increase in AXR and DIR sweat outputs during coiontophoresis of ACh+VIP compared to VIP alone. These results suggest that VIP has potentiatory effects on ACh action, with the effects being more pronounced in warm rather than normothermic skin and raise the possibility that release of endogenous VIP may influence sweating in human skin during exercise.
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Iontophoresis, sweating, acetylcholine, vasoactive intestinal polypeptide, warm and normothermic skins, axon-reflex, human
The Effects of Aerobics , Swimming , Work Activity on Bone Mineral Density and Bone Turnover of Postmenopausal Women 스포츠 심리학 : 폐경후 여성의 에어로빅스 , 수영 , 작업 활동이 골밀도와 골대사 전환에 미치는 영향
37(4) 433-442, 1998
The Effects of Aerobics , Swimming , Work Activity on Bone Mineral Density and Bone Turnover of Postmenopausal Women 스포츠 심리학 : 폐경후 여성의 에어로빅스 , 수영 , 작업 활동이 골밀도와 골대사 전환에 미치는 영향
To examine the role of skeletal loading patterns on bone mineral density(BMD), twenty-four postmenopausal women who steadily involved in various forms of skeletal loading activities, weight bearing activity(aerobics, n=8), non-weight bearing activity(swimming, n=8) and farming activity(farmer, n=8). The BMDs(g/㎠) of the lumbar spine and femoral neck were measured by dual energy X-ray absorptiometry(DXA). The variables measured to examine the bone-turnover were Osteocalsin, Deoxypyridinoline, Estrogen, Calcitonin, ALP, Ca and P. There was no significant group difference for either Vo2max(㎖/㎏/min) nor lumbar or spine body BMD. However, the aerobics group(29.06±4.26) showed higher lumbar BMD than the swimmer(24.04±5.19) and farmer(22.55±5.91) groups. The aerobics group(1.07±0.13) also showed higher lumbar BMD than the swimmer(1.04±0.20) and farmer(0.99±0.17) groups. The aerobics group showed higher osteocalsin, calcitonin and Ca than the farmer group(p<0.01). The swimmer group showed higher calcitonin, Ca than the farmer group(p<0.01). in femoral BMD. The correlations of BMD factors with the lumbar BMD were Ht, Wt, Estrogen and in order. The correlations of BMD factors with the femoral BMD were weight, menopausal duration, osteocalsin in order.
These results suggest that a weight bearing exercise, like aerobics, acts as a good osteogenic stimulus to the bone mineral density. A long-term non-weight bearing training which incorporates forceful muscular contraction, like swimming, confers no benefical skeletal effects on the bone mineral density of the menopausal women, rather less than the fainting activity.
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A Biomechanical Analysis of Aerobic Exercise Intensity 운동 역학 : 에어로빅 댄스의 운동강도에 대한 운동역학적 분석
37(4) 445-455, 1998
A Biomechanical Analysis of Aerobic Exercise Intensity 운동 역학 : 에어로빅 댄스의 운동강도에 대한 운동역학적 분석
This study was to compare kinematic and kinetic variables of aerobic dance movement in a low, mid, and high impact aerobic exercise in biomechanical aspects of the potentials for injury, and analyze and find out significiant variables between exercise intensities. Thus this study presented the validity of classification of aerobic exercise intensity through biomechanical analysis, also helped aerobic teaches to compose aerobic exercise programs to reduce the injury occurrence.
Ten female subjects were employed for this study. They had no healthic problems for last one year, and took aerobic exercise at least three times in a week. Cinematography and force platform were used to measure and analyze 4 exercises in low impact exercise, 5 exercises in mid impact exercise, and 5 exercises in high impact exercise.
The findings of the study were as follows:
1. There appeared to be significant differences in maximal vertical ground reaction force, total contact time, time to maximal vertical ground reaction force, and force loading rate between aerobic exercise intensities, not total impulse and position of application of force. So these variables could be used to classify the aerobic exercise intensity.
2. The intensities of aerobic exercise made affects on angles, angular velocities, and angular accelerations of ankle joint and knee joint. The ranges of motion, angular velocity and angular acceleration at each joint were bigger as aerobic intensity was higher. As of results of this study, we predicted that the loads affecting the human body was biggest at minimum angle event.
Variables in present study were composed of a kinematic variable and a kinetic variable. Kinetic variables, like maximal vertical ground reaction force, total contact time, time to maximal vertical ground reaction force, and force loading rate were related with injury occurrence. However, kinematic variables, like angle, angular velocity, and angular acceleration were lack of prediction of injury occurrence. So the study suggests that it will be more desirable to analyze variables for the higher injury prediction like joint torque.
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A Interval Velocity and GRF Analysis of 110M High Hurdling 운동 역학 : High Hurdle 의 구간속도와 지면반력 분석
윤양진YangJinYoon , 김정태JungTaeKim , 이중숙JoongSookLee
37(4) 456-472, 1998
A Interval Velocity and GRF Analysis of 110M High Hurdling 운동 역학 : High Hurdle 의 구간속도와 지면반력 분석
윤양진YangJinYoon , 김정태JungTaeKim , 이중숙JoongSookLee
The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of interval velocity and GRF on high hurdling. The direction from the starting point to the goal point were measured with a system of interval velocity. The analysis was utilized to analyze the 110m hurdle motion by using each 2 force platform on the 1st, the 5th, and the 10th hurdles from take off to landing after measuring the change of GRF. Also, for this research, 2 elite athletes and 2 college athletes participated as subjects. The following summarizes the major observations of this analysis:
1. The best record diviation of the world(12.91sec) and Korea(13.95sec) appeared 1.04sec in 110mH. To improve the performance depend on the utility of selection·traning·management of athletes.
2. The result of analyzing of average interval velocity in 110mH, the mast of athletes appeared maximum speed from the 3rd to the 4th hurdles(7.41±0.30m/sec), minimum speed from the 9th to the 10th hurdles(6.78±0.25m/sec). To overcome the record diviation, we have found to need of traning of physical fitness and speed in the final race of 110mH.
3. The result of analyzing of pass time in 110mH, the lap times in hurdle to the 1st hudle(13.92m) and the lap times in 100m from the start and to the start dash appeared significant difference. We have found the record of start dash of 100m were significant factor.
4. The analysis of the ground reaction force showed that the curve of the vertical GRF was shaped like Rearfoot striker pattern. The shorter the supporting time, the better the performance ability was.
5. The more N(BW) at the second peak force, the more desirable the movement was because the anteroposterior GRF minimized the breaking force at the first force in touch-down, but maximized the propulsive force at the second force in take-off.
6. The most suitable GRF curve pattern for hurdlecs was that of the midfoot striking. Plantar flexion of ankle joint was considered desirable as it increased propulsion to the moving direction at the latter half of supporting phase.
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Kinematical Analysis of Discus Throwing 운동 역학 : 원반던지기의 운동학적 분석
홍순모SoonMoHong , 이종훈JongHunLee
37(4) 473-483, 1998
Kinematical Analysis of Discus Throwing 운동 역학 : 원반던지기의 운동학적 분석
홍순모SoonMoHong , 이종훈JongHunLee
The purpose of this study was to examine the kinematical chracteristics on the throwing position and the release motion in discus throwing, and to grope for the better discus throwing technique.
The subjects, five collegiate discus throwing player, were the standing player. 2 S-VHS video cameras were used for the data collection. The Direct Linear Transformation(DLT) technique was employed to obtain 3-D position coordinates of 21 landmarks(20 body and 1 disk landmarks(Abdel-Aziz & Kararah, 1971) and a cubic spline function was used for smoothing and differentiation. It also caculates the location of center of mass using Plagenhoef’s data.
In this study, the throwing motion was divided into 5 events(ROFF, LOFF, RON, LON and REL) and three phases(LT1, RT1 and LT2) for the data analysis. From those, time duration, displacement of CG, height of shoulder joint and discus at release, velocity of CG and discus, and trunk and release angles were calculated, and the following conclusions were drawn:
1. Last phase(LT2) showed relatively shorter in time than the other phases.
2. In the displacement of CG, first phase(LT1) showed longer displacement in medial-lateral direction, second phase(RT1) showed longer displacement in horizontal direction, and last phase(LT2) showed longer displacement vertical direction.
3. Discus was released with lower height than shoulder height.
4. In velocity of CG, first phase(LT1) showed faster velocity in medial-lateral direction, last phase(LT2) showed faster velocity in horizontal and vertical direction.
5. The horizontal velocity was superior in discus release to medial-lateral and vertical velocity.
6. Discus was thrown with 76.33°of trunk angle and 48°of discus angle.
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The Development of Human Motion Analysis Program with LabVIEW Graphical Program Language 운동 역학 : LabVIEW 그래픽 언어를 사용한 인체 동작 분석 컴퓨터 프로그램 개발
황인승InSeungHwang , 이성철SungCheolLee
37(4) 484-491, 1998
The Development of Human Motion Analysis Program with LabVIEW Graphical Program Language 운동 역학 : LabVIEW 그래픽 언어를 사용한 인체 동작 분석 컴퓨터 프로그램 개발
황인승InSeungHwang , 이성철SungCheolLee
The cinematographic analysis method is one of the most important research methods in analyzing human movements and sports skills. In the course of analysis, the raw data is obtained from the film by digitizing the body marker and then the kinematic and kinetic variables are calculated by programs made by Basic, Pascal, C language or marketed program packages. Unfortunately there are a lot of disadvantage points when the variables are calculated by above mentioned program languages or marketed program packages. First, it is hard to find out the mistakes. Second, the program is too extensive to figure out exactly and completely. Third, it is very difficult for us to reform and revise the mistakes. Only the programer who made the calculating programs can do these.
The purposes of this study are to introduce LabVIEW graphical program package which is convenient to program and has a prominent graphical function, and to reform disadvantage point of above mentioned program language or marketed program package by reprogramming motion analyzing programs with LabVIEW.
As a result, motion analyzing programs programmed by LabVIEW were effective from the comprehensive and applicable point of view. Most of all, with improved graphical function, it was easy to check the results immediately and revise the errors easily. In addition, Sub vi. function makes it possible to shorten the length of the program.
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Actual Condition of Utilization for Major Books and Journals in Physical Education Class of Middle and High School 스포츠 교육학 : 중등체육수업에서의 전문서적 및 학술지의 활용실태
이종철JongChulLee , 한상하SangHaHan
37(4) 495-507, 1998
Actual Condition of Utilization for Major Books and Journals in Physical Education Class of Middle and High School 스포츠 교육학 : 중등체육수업에서의 전문서적 및 학술지의 활용실태
이종철JongChulLee , 한상하SangHaHan
Under the condition of instructor oriented education system, ideas and trials to enhance the quality and capability of teachers should be reconsidered for the purpose of educational upgrading. One ways of accomplishing this is to actively utilize the data-base system. The purpose of this study was to find out the data of utilization for major books and journals in physical education class; make sure whether there is any difference in attitude, concerning the utilization pattern of major books and journals according to the traits of individual instructors; and, through them, take a step forward for the improvement of quality in physical education by identifying the essential tips for instruction in physical education classes. Respondents(n=654), middle school and high school physical education teachers, were asked to participate in this research using the self-administrated questionnaire and in depth interview method. The data were analyzed by the descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA, and chi-square. The results can be summarized in three step as follows:
First, it was found that physical education teachers favored major P.E books. Also, printed materials were mainly and frequently used in comprehending the contents of educational process, in making annual teaching planning, in preparing the materials and contents of instruction. It was noted that instructors got help from sports experience and colleagues; furthermore, long experienced teachers realized more lack of information than the less experienced ones.
Second, in terms of information utilization, major physical education books and instructional guide books were used relatively high while journals were used relatively a little.
Third, it was indicated that printed materials were not much used in physical education classes due to the lack of useful information. It was suggested that the method of information utilization needs to be introduced at the early stage of teacher education.
Anyway, for mote effective teaching and learning, proper utilization of materials is absolutely necessary. With that, study for the well-prepared data and their utilization should be performed steadily. But one of the most important and essential things for teaching improvement is teachers’ own efforts to upgrade their teaching methods and efficiently utilize data available. Physical education teachers should take the trouble to consistently improve their own productivity and capability not only for themselves but also for their students.
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Reformation of the National Sports Festival for Reducing Regional Disparity in Physical Education and Sports Development 스포츠 행정 경영 : 전국체육대회 운영방식의 개선을 통한 체육ㆍ스포츠의 지역간 균형 발전 방안
김동규DongKyooKim , 전윤수YunSooJeon
37(4) 511-527, 1998
Reformation of the National Sports Festival for Reducing Regional Disparity in Physical Education and Sports Development 스포츠 행정 경영 : 전국체육대회 운영방식의 개선을 통한 체육ㆍ스포츠의 지역간 균형 발전 방안
김동규DongKyooKim , 전윤수YunSooJeon
The purpose of the study is for an improvement of the operation system in the National Sports Festival through literature and questionnaire. The content of the study is as followed; 1. The progression of the National Sports Festival is divided as the quickening and leaping period (1920-1937), the stagnation period (1938-1944), the restoration period (1945-1956), the merge of the local tour period (1957-1980), the preparational period for Seoul Olympic Games (1981-1986), and the fruition period as the national and cultural festival. 2. The pre game and the post cultural events through the participation of the competitors and the local residents are evaluated as ‘so-so level’ by people but physical educators evaluated higher than them. 3. Present operation system shows the problems are; the local campus connection in collegiate games, the regional connection with business teams, and the regional connection in government related institution. The evaluation for the present competition system that is competing among cities and provinces are ‘so-so level’. Favored ranking system is granting quantitative points per each medal and calculate for the total point. There is a considerable negative evaluation for the fund raising system. 4. The contribution of the National Sports Festival toward physical education and sports is discussed through the elite sports, physical education, living physical education, and the rehabilitation of regional sports. The elite sports and regional sports are evaluated as ‘so-so level’ and the physical education and living physical education are evaluated as ‘low lever’. 5. The interest from people to the National Sports Festival is slightly higher in physical educations but lower in general people. The most important problem is the National Sports Festival is the unconcern of people and the overcompetition among cities and provinces, the forcing out for the public ceremony, and class loss of student athletes are next. In conclusion, the National Sports Festival needs to expand people’s interest and to improve competition system among cities and provinces.
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Politics of Sport in the Unified Korea 스포츠 행정 경영 : 통일 한국의 체육정책
37(4) 528-542, 1998
Politics of Sport in the Unified Korea 스포츠 행정 경영 : 통일 한국의 체육정책
This paper has studied on the basic ideology and direction of sport policy at the Unified Korean society. As a sport policy ideology in the Unified Korea, we must establish promoting of national fitness and divining of sound life, rising of quality of life, inspiring of volition living and self-fulfillment, moulding sound civil society, and social equity.
According to such an ideology establishment, we must developed the policy school physical education cultivating whole man, sport for all make promote health of a nation, and elite sport make enhance a status of nation and self-admiration of a nation. That is, must developed with coexistence school physical, sport for all, and elite sport be closely connected with the national welfare and national interest.
Through above a sport policy, we will have social effect as follows;
First, opportunity of sport activities will be guaranteed equally. Second, it will be developing various sport activities according to the social needs level. Third, it will expect the improvement of social welfare, and all korean can contribute the development of Korea society.
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The Future Direction for Spectator Sport Business in National Economic Crisis of Korea 스포츠 행정 경영 : IMF 시대 국내 관람 스포츠 산업의 방향 모색
김종ChongKim , 이홍구HongGooLee
37(4) 543-552, 1998
The Future Direction for Spectator Sport Business in National Economic Crisis of Korea 스포츠 행정 경영 : IMF 시대 국내 관람 스포츠 산업의 방향 모색
김종ChongKim , 이홍구HongGooLee
Spectator sport includes amateur and professional sport which can contribute to the people’s leisure activities and self-satisfactions. Spectator sport business in Korea has been developed since 1980’s in which the professional team sport such as baseball, soccer were inaugurated. However, when the national economic crisis was faced, the spectator sport business has almost collapsed, because mother companies of sport teams which had been sponsored suffered the economic became worse. The purpose of this study was to provide the future direction for the spectator sport business in circumstance of national economic crisis.
There are several directions to overcome and restructure the spectator sport business.
First of all, sport should not be known public relations tools of company but as economic progress which can make money.
Secondly, the study related to sport business and sport statistics should be intensively researched in order to open up the domestic and aboard market.
Thirdly, sport management and marketing experts should be appear in large number.
Finally, quality service should be provide to spectator sport fans in order to encourage to participation sport events. Also, the franchise system should be set both professional and amateur sport league, so that the local self-government organization, team, and local residents can work together and contribute to the local economy.
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Content Analysis of Official Professional Sport Team Sites on the World Wide Web in Korea 스포츠 행정 경영 : 국내 프로스포츠구단의 인터넷 웹사이트 내용 분석 연구
37(4) 553-563, 1998
Content Analysis of Official Professional Sport Team Sites on the World Wide Web in Korea 스포츠 행정 경영 : 국내 프로스포츠구단의 인터넷 웹사이트 내용 분석 연구
The purpose of this study was to analyze the content of existing Korean professional sport teams World Wide Web(WWW) sites. The purpose of this study was to annalize the content of existing Korean professional sport organization WWW sites. The population for the study was the official WWW sites of KPBL, KBL, K-League teams as of July 1, 1998. Three Korean major professional sport teams sites were selected in order to achieve a broad spectrum of WWW design and content. Content analysis was modified to analyze current Korean professional sport teams official WWW sites. The content of the sites was categorized by the researcher then arranged in order of frequency measured. Categories for content were based on the marketing mix, product, price, promotion, place and other.
The resources of the WWW are currently being utilized by 15 of the 28 Korean professional sport teams. Five of each Korean Professional Baseball League, Korean Basketball League, and K-League have an official site. The content analysis of the 15 team sites revealed 32 categories of information which are grouped according to the marketing mix. Top official WWW sites for Korean professional sport teams were determined based on the number of categories used in the teams site. Five teams used at least 50 percent of the 32 classified categories.
Now that content areas have been identified, it is important for each to examine its own WWW site in order to insure that each site is meeting the criteria for success. Sites provide information on the team, tickets, promotions, and the venue. But, more teams must combine new content areas into WWW sites such as seat, on-line shopping and so on to become a WWW marketing success. Teams not utilizing interactive features must do so to increase site traffic. All Korean professional sport teams sites must provide game updates, preferably real-time updates, to increase site traffic. Finally, all Korean professional sport teams should be on the WWW using this new form of media as a marketing tool. The half of Korean professional sport teams not on the WWW will quickly fall behind the remaining 10 teams, and all other forms of marketplace competition, as WWW technology changes almost daily.
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Relationship between Perceived Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction 스포츠 행정 경영 : 스포츠센터의 서비스품질과 고객만족
오윤환YunHwanOh , 장철원ChulWonChang , 오기현KiHyunOh
37(4) 564-574, 1998
Relationship between Perceived Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction 스포츠 행정 경영 : 스포츠센터의 서비스품질과 고객만족
오윤환YunHwanOh , 장철원ChulWonChang , 오기현KiHyunOh
Parasurman, Zeithaml, and Berry have made a great contribution to the study of service quality. They have developed SERVQUAL model. SERVQUAL model’s key point is that custotnets evaluate on the basis of the “Performance-Expectation”. Cronin and Taylor have made performance-based scale developed(SERVPERF) is efficient in comparison with the SERVQUAL scale. Brown, Churchill, and Peter conducted such a comparative study and concluded that a non-difference scale measure had better psychometric properties that SERVQUAL.
The purposes of present study can be summarized as follows.
First, this article is to examine the relationships between service quality and customer satisfaction. Second, this article is to examine of the difference between service quality and attitude. Third, this article is to examine between SERVQUAL, SERVPERF, Non-difference score.
Regarding these purpose, three hypotheses were developed and experimental data were analyzed.
First, it appeared that service quality→customer satisfaction→purchase intentions were not significant (H1-a), whereas customer satisfaction→service quality→putchase intentions were significant(H1-b). Second, it appeared that service quality and attitude(Aact) were difference construct(H2). Third, it appeared that non-difference score were superior(H3).
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Identifying the Factors Influencing Recreational Sport Leaders’ Organizational Commitment 스포츠 행정 경영 : 사회체육지도자의 조직충실도에 영향을 주는 요인
37(4) 575-582, 1998
Identifying the Factors Influencing Recreational Sport Leaders’ Organizational Commitment 스포츠 행정 경영 : 사회체육지도자의 조직충실도에 영향을 주는 요인
The purpose of this study was to investigate the factors which influence the recreational sport leaders’ organizational commitment. Without their commitment, quality service can not be expected. It has been suggested by several researchers that employees are committed when they are well treated and served. Samples (n=121) were selected through cluster random sampling method utilizing self-administered method. Allen and Meyer’s (1990) instrument for measuring the organizational commitment was used, which was translated and validated by Park, Byun, and Chang (1995) in Korea. The instrument demonstrated reliability. Factor analysis indicated construct validity, showing three dimensions of the organizational commitment. It was proved that the organizational commitment is composed of three dimensions, consisted of investment commitment, normative commitment, and affective commitment. One-way ANOVA showed that socio-demographic variables can be utilized in managing personnel in sport centers. In addition, other psychological components need to be analyzed to increase their level of commitment. Implications for personnel management are discussed.
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An Analysis of Marketing Factors for the Efficient Management for Taekwondo Academy 스포츠 행정 경영 : 태권도 체육관의 효율적인 경영을 위한 마케팅 요인 분석
이승재SeungJaeLee , 조광민KwangMinCho
37(4) 583-593, 1998
An Analysis of Marketing Factors for the Efficient Management for Taekwondo Academy 스포츠 행정 경영 : 태권도 체육관의 효율적인 경영을 위한 마케팅 요인 분석
이승재SeungJaeLee , 조광민KwangMinCho
The purpose of this study was to investigate the important factors to select Taekwondo academy for practitioners based on the parents’ perceptions. The subject of this study were 601 parents from fourteen different Taekwondo academies in ten districts in the City of Seoul who had children practicing Taekwondo. Forty-four item questionnaire was developed by the researchers with establishing content validity and reliability through proper procedures.
Important findings based on the data analysis were as follows:
(1) It appeared that improvement of physical strength and confident were the most important factors to start Taekwondo for the practitioners based on the perceptions of the parents.
(2) The parents get to know the Taekwondo academy through the signboard of Taekwondo academy, practitioners in that academy, and their patents which made 89% of total subjects.
(3) Mother was the most influential person in any other family members to make decision to select particular Taekwondo academy among several academies in neighborhood.
(4) The instructor, more specifically attitude toward practitioners, personality, and speaking manner of the instructor, was the most important factor to select Taekwondo academy compared to any other factors such as facilities and teaching program.
(5) Regarding the aspect of Taekwondo academy facilities, safety was the mast important factor to be considered by the parents. Cleaners was found as the next important factor.
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Study of Factors Analysis on the Purchasing Behavior of Sports Wear Consumers 스포츠 행정 경영 : 스포츠의류 소비자의 구매행동에 미치는 요인분석
37(4) 594-604, 1998
Study of Factors Analysis on the Purchasing Behavior of Sports Wear Consumers 스포츠 행정 경영 : 스포츠의류 소비자의 구매행동에 미치는 요인분석
The purpose of this study is to analyze factors affected the purchasing behavior of sports wear. The subjects were composed of 490 persons(over 20 years, male and female) in Pusan, the analytic method was used by questionaire.
The conclusion of this study are as follows:
In need recognition analysis, the interest of sports wear is the highest in forties, the subjects putting on low-priced sports wear wasn’t related inferiority complex according to age. In information search, experience to use purchasing information communication is the highest, but the duration of information search is not affected. In evaluation of alternative, they used more Korean-products according to age, because of Korean-products’ favorite use. The factors of foreign-products’ favorite use are design in twenties, thirties, fifties, and quality in forties. In purchasing determination, their own determination were the highest in the influencer, the purchasing places were the agency of sports wear in twenties, thirties, fifties, and department store in forties. When they decide to purchase, they focus on the good design of products. In satisfaction of purchasing, they would buy again products which is using in present.
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The Study on Interorganizational linkages of Sports Organization in Korea 스포츠 행정 경영 : 한국 체육조직의 조직간 연계방안에 관한 연구
37(4) 605-615, 1998
The Study on Interorganizational linkages of Sports Organization in Korea 스포츠 행정 경영 : 한국 체육조직의 조직간 연계방안에 관한 연구
The purpose of this study is to examine the interorganizational linkages of sports organization, applying Korea sports organization to resource dependence theory which explain interorganizational linkages and further address to issues accrue when examine the interorganirational linkages.
In this study, the interorganizational linkages of Korea sports organization prescribed triangle relationship of government, private sector organizations, nonprofit sport organizations. Results of this study were as follow:
In the interorganizational linkages of government and private sector organizations, First, contracting out to private sector Second, changing into public enterprise Third, attracting private capital.
In the interorganizational linkages of government and nonprofit sport organizations, First, coordinating work of interorganizations Second, taking merger strategy Third, guarantee self-existence as incorporate into nonprofit sport organizations.
In the interorganizational linkages of nonprofit sport organizations and private sector organizations, First, using co-optation Second, taking joint venture strategy Third, recruiting competent personnel.
And Issues will be showed when examine the interorganizational linkages in Sports were as follow:
First, generating excessive competition for gain scarce resource Second, partly organization’s autonomy loss Third, making unbalance in resource allocation and distribution Fourth, generating goal displacement.
In conclusion, Sports organization earns interorganizational interest as enter into a interorganizational linkages and a great help to survival of organization.
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The Marketing Strategies for Increasing Female Consumers in Professional Baseball Games 스포츠 행정 경영 : 프로야구 경기의 여성 소비자 유입을 위한 마케팅 전략1 - 인구통계적 ( 연령세분화 중심 ) 접근 -
The Marketing Strategies for Increasing Female Consumers in Professional Baseball Games 스포츠 행정 경영 : 프로야구 경기의 여성 소비자 유입을 위한 마케팅 전략1 - 인구통계적 ( 연령세분화 중심 ) 접근 -
The purpose of this study was to investigate and analyze obstructive factors and preference which can affect women’s participation in professional baseball game and to recommend the marketing strategies for increasing the female consumers in the game. Futhermore, the significance of this study was first trying study to segment female consumer market of professional baseball game and present marketing strategies in terms of demographical factors.
Survey method was used for this study. Total of 323 subjects were selected randomly from 3 different baseball stadium. The questionnaire consisted of the total number of 50 questions based on 3 main areas; that is, demographical questions(9), obstructive factors(28), and preference(13). Data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistic method, ANOVA, Chi-square and Duncan test.
The results of this study were as follows.
First, 10’s have more dissatisfaction of baseball arena in temps of obstructive factors, which are specially complexity, facilities, other spectators and out of game-factors.
Second, the most of the subjects wanted to recruit more celebrity, modify fan-service and facilities and discount ticket price, in order.
Third, 10’s and 20’s prefered more fan-service and family discounting service as they wanted to receive, while 30’s service prefered were family discounting and fan-service, in order.
Forth, 10’s and 20’s prefered especially inviting entertainers, while 30’s prefered fan-club supporting event and recreation program.
Finally, the facilities the most of subjects wanted to modify were seats and toilet in the baseball arena. Especially, 30’s wanted to modify the toilet and parking lots, while 10’s and 20’s seats and toilet.
Based on the practical data relating 117 factors, marketing strategies with 4 Ps (price, product, place, promotion) were suggested for increasing women’s participation in the professional baseball game.
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A Marketing Strategy in Forms of the Optimum Service Quality in a Commercial Sports Center 스포츠 행정 경영 : 상업 스포츠센터 최적 서비스품질 유형에 따른 마케팅전략
최규철GyuCheolChoi , 고순만SoonManKo , 김학신HakShinKim
37(4) 632-644, 1998
A Marketing Strategy in Forms of the Optimum Service Quality in a Commercial Sports Center 스포츠 행정 경영 : 상업 스포츠센터 최적 서비스품질 유형에 따른 마케팅전략
최규철GyuCheolChoi , 고순만SoonManKo , 김학신HakShinKim
In this paper, I got a general ideal for the good service up a commercial sports center. In accordance with a characteristic off the whole market and subsided market, and therefore will work out the efficient marketing strategy up marketer’s and help to offer a standard for a selection up the optimum marketing, the service Quality card used in dispositive study has a good explanation with the suitability of Pearson’s R² = .83 and For a sample for the positive analysis I used 434 copies.
Of the optimum services, those who use the sports center liked the convenience of a parking among the accessible facilities, in the relative infortance of benefit variables, a convenience-oriented group liked the reliance off a program(accomplished only the regulated policy), the guaranty of administrative management(a reliance and confidence for the offer service), the convenience of facility(convenience for a rational use), the speciality of employee(the ability to offer a special service), and the convenience of a parking facility in order, also, up an efficient management and Image-Oriented group liked a convenience-oriented group liked the reliance off a program, the guaranty of administrative management, the convenience of facility, the reliance of employee(properly accomplished the given duty), and a working distance in oder.
A service-oriented group liked the a convenience-oriented group liked the reliance off a program, the guaranty of administrative management, the form of facility(delightful, modern external form), the reliance of employee and a working distance in order.
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TQM : Propositions for Administrators and Managers of the Public Sports Facilities 스포츠 행정 경영 : 총체적품질관리 ( TQM ) : 공공스포츠시설의 행정ㆍ관리자를 위한 제언
37(4) 645-655, 1998
TQM : Propositions for Administrators and Managers of the Public Sports Facilities 스포츠 행정 경영 : 총체적품질관리 ( TQM ) : 공공스포츠시설의 행정ㆍ관리자를 위한 제언
Since the establishment of WTO has developed an age of infinite competition, general competing power is acutely demanded in the public section as well as in the private section. Furthermore, the inescapable need of our country to reconsider the productivity of organizational management from the changes of economic environment by IMF crisis has made administrative and managemental reforms essential. The administrative and managerial organization of the public sports facilities is not an exception at all.
AS the level of customers’ demand for public sports facilities has become a highly qualitative one in accordance with the diversification of their values and improvement of living standard, it is true that the importance of the role of practical physical training in the social welfare and health promotion is continuously increasing. However, the administrative and financial corresponding abilities of present public sports facilities and organizations are limited. So plans for employing diverse administrative techniques, executing quality-oriented managements and promoting the cooperative relations between private and public sections to make the existing organizations more substantial, effective ones to meet people’s demand for practical physical training are being actively discussed and actually applied. In this context, the induction of the concept of TQM(Total Quality Management) has a significant meaning.
This study, under the aim of applying TQM to the administrators and managers of the public sports facilities to improve the quality of their service, has referred to relevant literature. Consequently this study has reviewed the concept of TQM, its developmental process, components, basic hypotheses, and methods for application to present three propositions for applying TQM to the field of public sports facilities as follows; a) induction of the activities of quality control circle, b) administration/management for satisfying customers, c) induction of the concept of competition(privatization). Application of the concept of TQM is considered to be useful to officials in charge of physical administration/management.
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Validation of the Simplified Questionnaire for Estimating VO2max for the Elderly 체육측정평가 : 고령자의 전신지구성 평가를 위한 질문지법의 타당성
37(4) 659-668, 1998
Validation of the Simplified Questionnaire for Estimating VO2max for the Elderly 체육측정평가 : 고령자의 전신지구성 평가를 위한 질문지법의 타당성
The purpose of the present study was to examine validation of the previously developed questionnaire in order to determine whether the simplified questionnaire could be generalized to the elderly. This study examined whether prediction models, modified conversion table, based on a developed questionnaire test are valid for predicting the maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) in 106 adults ages 60 to 80 years. VO2max was measured during a treadmill maximal graded exercise test (VO2max), range 19.4∼46.0㎖·㎏-1·min-1). The questionnaire consisted of 5 question concerning the current walking ability, endurance performance in youth, current exercise habits, responses to rush-up to stairs(imaginary response), and body composition. VO2max socores predicted from the simplified questionnaire did not differ significantly from those measured during the treadmill test whether the sample was analyzed overall or categorized by sex. Total error of prediction and the correlation coefficients between the measured and predicted VO2max for the elderly men and women were 3.1 and 3.6㎖·㎏-1·min-1 and 0.83 and 0.76, respectively. The results suggest that the developed (modified) simplified questionnaire is a reasonably valid test of cardiorespiratory fitness for healthy elderly.
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The Relationship between Quality of Dance Teacher and Dance Participation 무용 : 무용교사의 자질과 무용참가의 관계
37(4) 671-684, 1998
The Relationship between Quality of Dance Teacher and Dance Participation 무용 : 무용교사의 자질과 무용참가의 관계
The degree to which each social institution affects the learning process depends in the role being learned, and the person’s stage in the life cycle.
The purpose of the study was to determine the relationship between quality of dance teacher as a significant socializing setting and student’s dance participation.
Dance attitude was established as a intervening variable, and dance participation as a dependent variable was observed in two dimensions, direct and indirect participation.
Using a purposive sampling method 318 students majoring dance in art and performance junior and high schools located in Seoul and Kyunggi-do were selected from June to July, 1998.
Quality of Dance teacher was measured by the scales designed by Park(1994), and dance attitude and indirect dance participation by the scale based on Edwards(1973) and Kim(1988).
Regression analysis method and path analysis method were used in order to test hypotheses. α level was .05.
The conclusions were drawn as follows ;
1. Quality of dance teacher influenced on student’s dance attitude positively.
2. Quality of dance teacher influenced on student’s time and duration of dance participation, and indirect participation positively.
3. There were positive causal relationships among quality of dance teacher, student’s dance attitude, and student’s time and duration of dance participation, and indirect participation.
Quality of dance teacher influenced on student’s direct/indirect dance participation positively.